
To be a great runner you need:
1) The ability to run with good form (technique)
2) Adequate strength, speed, muscular endurance and cardiovascular endurance specific to your technique and running event.

Note: Sprinters need mainly strength, explosive power, speed, speed- endurance and a high level of aerobic/anaerobic development coupled with good technique.

Long-Distance Runners need mainly muscular endurance, aerobic endurance coupled with good technique.

3) High levels of energy production regardless of event.

Your physical development (strength, muscular endurance, etc.) must parallel the neuromuscular pathway exhibited in effective execution of your running stride. Strength and muscular endurance must be gained in the same range of motion as it is displayed in the running stride. All runners must have a base level of aerobic endurance.

See the links to products and additional articles for more information on how you can improve each of the key running skills in the most effective, efficient and injury proof way.

When you’re ready for your own personalize technique analysis and specialized strength training plan to improve these skills, sign up for one of the Yessis Program packages and see your running takeoff!
Featured Book: Explosive Running, 2nd ed.

Related Books: Build a Better Athlete, Explosive Plyometrics, Superstretch

Supplementary Books: Secrets of Russian Sports Fitness and Training, Biomechanics and Kinesiology of Exercise

Basic Equipment Needed: Active Cords set, Sports Breather. For more advanced runners and especially sprinters, the Yessis Glute Ham Back Machine



Active Cords Set