In golf, it is possible to read many articles that emphasize the importance of the backswing for generation of power. In addition, it is possible to hear many teaching pros talk about the importance of the backswing to generate maximum clubhead speed. According to them the backswing is the key to generating maximum force in the swing.
The general consensus is that in order to maximize your power you must do the following: 1) get in a correct set up, 2) create as much torque as possible, and 3) develop as much wrist cock at the top of the backswing as possible. There is no questioning the fact that these are worthwhile recommendations. They can put you into a position that will enable you to generate ample force on the downswing.
The key to a most successful swing, however, is only partially due to what you do in the backswing. It’s what you do in the downswing that generates the power in your swing. The best set-up, amount of torque or wrist cock on the backswing will not insure a great downswing. The downswing is the key phase of the total swing.
You must be able to execute all the sequential actions in the kinetic chain that culminates in maximum force in order to have a powerful drive. The backswing only creates the potential for a powerful downswing but it does not guarantee a powerful downswing. Being able to carry out the downswing actions as fully and as forcefully as possible is the ultimate goal in generation of maximum clubhead speed.
Note that the role of the backswing in other sports is the same as it is in the golf swing. The backswing is very important for getting you into a good position in order to execute a full and powerful downswing or as it is known in other sports, forward swing. Understand that the forward swing is often referred to as the power phase as it is here that power is generated.
For more information on the role of the backswing and downswing see Explosive Golf and the accompanying Explosive Golf DVD.