Breather Fit


Breather Fit is designed for Pro Athletes, Olympians, CrossFitters, Military Special Forces, and their trainers/coaches. Backed by 40 years of medical science, it helps increase VO2 Max, cardio performance, and stamina


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Breather Fit is the first and only patented technology of its kind, and is based on almost
4 decades of clinical experience. Respiratory muscle training (RMT) is a scientifically
proven method to increase muscle strength and performance capacity of your respiratory
system. This will improve oxygen supply to all muscle groups, and delay time to fatigue.
Breather Fit is suitable for all athletic disciplines, and improves performance at any level,
from beginner to elite athlete.

• Strengthens:
— Inspiratory muscles: diaphragm, external intercostals,
accessory muscles of neck
— Expiratory: internal intercostals, abdominals
• Promotes diaphragmatic breathing
• Improves trunk stability and reduces injury risk
• Decreases exercise-limiting shortness of breath
• Reduces oxygen consumption of respiratory muscles

• Increased time to fatigue
• Decreased shortness of breath at peak work rate
• Increased blood flow to exercising limbs
• Improved time trial performance (with and without
• Delayed onset of blood lactate
• Improved overall performance

Weight 1 lbs


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