
Soccer requires a multitude of skills in order to be successful. You must have the skills to execute good kicks not only for passing but also for shot on goal. In addition you must be able to execute effective offensive and defensive moves during game play. More specifically you must have the ability to:
  • Execute different kicks with maximum force and accuracy
  • Accelerate quickly for 10 to 15 yards
  • Execute a quick first step forward
  • Execute a quick first step backward
  • Produce aerobic and anaerobic energy as needed for recovery, prevention of fatigue and to have more energy during the game
  • Execute quick cutting actions on both offense and defense Display explosive power in your kicks
These abilities make it possible for you to not only overpower your opponent in a multitude of ways, but to repel any attack. These abilities also give you the power to score on a goal shot or to clear the ball on defense. See the links to products and additional articles for more information on how you can improve each of the key football skills in the most effective, efficient and injury proof way. When you’re ready for your own personalized technique analysis and specialized strength training plan to improve these skills, sign up for one of the Yessis Program packages and see your game play blossom. Featured Book: Women’s Soccer: Using Science to Improve Speed. Note: this book applies equally to men Supplementary Books: Build a Better Athlete, Explosive Running, Explosive Plyometrics. Related books: Secrets of Russian Sports Fitness and Training, Biomechanics and Kinesiology of Exercise, Super Stretch, Supertraining. Related Equipment: Active Cords set



Build A Better Athelete