Dr. Yessis’ 12 Must-Haves for Runner Training

Someone asked me what I’d do if I won the lottery and got to equip a gym with everything I needed to make a world-record breaking athlete, what kind of gear would I get? Well, here you go:

1. Standing Calf (Heel) Raise Machine: This machine is important for all track and field athletes. The heel raise is the key action used to produce force in in the pushoff in running, jumping and throwing. A good machine will allow the athlete to develop strength through the full range of motion and even more importantly, explosive power after he has gained adequate strength. Many companies make this machine but use one that has shoulder pads for ease of execution and the ability to execute the exercise in an explosive manner.

2. Cable Crossover with Adjustable Pulleys: This apparatus is needed to do two key exercises for improving speed in running; the knee drive and pawback. The runner expends over 80% of his energy in execution of these two movements that help to produce greater running speed. In the throws, the knee drive exercise is used to help make faster turns.

3. Glute Ham Back Machine: This machine is critical for prevention of hamstring injuries and for strengthening the entire posterior chain. This is the only apparatus that allows for effective execution of the glute-ham-gastroc raise, a unique exercise used to strengthen the hamstrings at both the hip joint and knee joints in sequence. Because precise positioning is not always possible on most machines, it is recommended that you use the Yessis Glute Ham Back machine for most effective execution of this exercise. In addition, it is one of the few machines available that also allows you to strengthen the lower back muscles through a full range of motion and to do sport specific exercises for the abdominals and hips.

4. Angle Leg Press: This apparatus is needed for developing strength and explosive power of the leg muscles. This variant of the leg press is needed for greater speed in running and more explosive power in jumping and in the throws. On some of the better machines it is also possible to do the leg press in an explosive manner. This means you push the foot platform off the feet and then “catch” and explosively push the platform back up.

5. Plyo Boxes: These boxes (or cushions) are indispensable for developing explosive power of the leg muscles, especially in ankle and knee joint extension. Best is to have some boxes that are 6 inches in height and others that are 12 inches in height. This allows you to adjust the height of the boxes by relatively small increments. This is needed to properly execute explosive leg (and arm!) exercises. The maximum total box height attainable should be 30 inches, or else it becomes a strength exercise rather than a plyometric one. If you stack the boxes is important that they be very stable and sturdy. The same applies to individual boxes. If using plyo cushions, make certain that the foam used in them is very firm.

6. Cage with platform: This apparatus is needed for all track and field athletes. Only the exercises for each event change. The cage provides greater safety and variability to do not only the squat but many auxiliary exercises. The platform makes it possible to do Olympic lifts if this is part of the program for jumpers and throwers. The cage is also suitable for athletes in other sports. In this way it becomes an indispensable piece of equipment.

7. Utility Flat Bench:  A flat bench is crucial to any successful weight training program and especially one that will be used for track and field athletes. On this sturdy and very stable flat bench it is possible to execute specialized exercises for runners and jumpers and especially for throwers. In some cases a bench press bench can be used but the uprights often get in the way when doing other exercises which decreases the usable length of the bench.

8. Active Cords: It’s true that this item was developed by me and sold by me, but I truly feel this equipment is necessary in order to do specialized strength exercises that duplicate what runners and jumpers and sometimes throwers, must do in execution of their events. In many cases, active cords is superior to the Cable Crossover with adjustable pulleys because it allows you to do the exercises explosively for multiple repetitions. With the machine, the inertia of the weights do not allow for quick changes in direction. An active cords set consists of a nonslip hip belt with four conveniently located D-rings, three different tension elastic tubes with metal clip attachments, ankle strap, dual attachment strap so that it can be attached around a beam, post or door and two handles. This setup provides the user with exercises such as the knee drive, which is key in producing explosive power.

9. Prone High Row Bench: This apparatus is needed for execution of specific exercises that are not conveniently done on other machines or free weight equipment. For runners, throwers and pole vaulters it is also very important for injury prevention. The high height of the bench makes it possible to do the rowing action through a full range of motion without the need to hold the body in support. Most athletes cannot hold their torso level while performing bent over rows, etc. This device sidesteps that inability and places a focus on where strength is needed in the back.

10. Total Hip Combo: This machine is needed for strengthening the hip joint muscles and their four main actions: flexion, extension, abduction and adduction. The better machines allow you to go through the full range of motion to get effective development of the muscles in the preparatory phase of training. Keep in mind that the hip joint muscles are often the most neglected muscles in the training of the track and field athlete. But yet, all running, throwing and jumping events require active participation of the hip joint muscles.

11. Adjustable Utility Bench: In addition to the Olympic flat bench, the adjustable bench allows for duplication of the shoulder joint angle used in the specific throwing event. Most often it is some variant of the incline press. For more explosive actions it is possible to hook up active cords for use when doing the incline press on this bench. The adjustable bench is also great for other barbell or dumbbell exercises even if they are not specific to track and field.

12. Seated Calf Raise: This machine is needed mainly for long-distance runners. It is also used to great advantage with runners in general and jumpers. This devise isolates the soleus muscle, which is most important in long distance running because it is the main muscle that is involved over the distance. However, by changing the execution slightly to make it faster and more explosive, it is possible to develop the muscle fibers so that they assist in jumping and in the faster running events. This exercise is also important for strengthening the Achilles tendon to help prevent injury.

So that’s my list!

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