Running Injuries Revisited

Recent studies are once again proving that runners and triathletes suffer injuries at a higher rate than ordinarily thought. For example, a recent study of over 500 competitive runners and triathletes found that 90% had suffered an injury in the past year.


About half of the athletes were sidelined for at least two weeks or forced out of training for more than a month. Yet, in spite of the statistics, runners and triathletes in the run, do not take preventive measures to not only decrease the incidence of injury, but to decrease the severity of the injury if it occurs.


It appears that every time a runner or other athlete take preventive measures it is because he/she is going through a long process of rehabilitation. This appears to be the only time they do exercises, especially strength exercises, to strengthen the muscles and joints involved to ensure faster and successful rehabilitation.


Instead of only thinking in terms of improving your strength it is important that you improve technique since injuries have a neuromuscular base. In other words, injuries are most often due to incorrect execution of a particular movement. By improving coordination (technique) and improving your base strength as it relates to technique, you can prevent the onset of injury.


These two factors that are typically overlooked in the training of athletes. But yet, they are usually the crux of the problem. If runners and other athletes improve their physical qualities as they relate to technique and improve technique, they can almost be guaranteed that they will not receive an injury. In addition, they will become better runners.


For more information on these two factors see Explosive Running

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