We got a good rundown from Dan Clark at the Running the Golden Years podcast, breaking down why Explosive Running is a great resource for correcting technique and avoiding injury.
Take a look here, they’ve posted a transcript as well as the audio version of their podcast. Here’s a couple excerpts:
Explosive Running takes you through the process of analyzing your form to determine what problems you may have, determining what exercises to use to correct these problems, and creating an exercise regimen that uses these exercises to their best advantage.
The book also touches on nutrition and fueling for your runs. It also addresses barefoot running and how that might help with good form. The final section of the book gives suggestions that may help you stay motivated to keep the workout plan you create as a permanent part of your training.
I feel Explosive Running could be the answer I’ve been looking for or at the least start me in the right direction for improvement. If you have been struggling with injuries or just want to improve your running performance Explosive Running might be just what you need.
Be sure to check out their podcast! Thanks for the review!