Should you correct running technique?

I am always surprised at the number of runners and coaches from around the country, who strongly believe that you should never change running technique. They have been indoctrinated with the myth that the body will automatically adapt itself to the most efficient running technique. In other words, every runner will automatically run according to his or her maximum efficiency. They believe that this happens automatically and that the more running you do, the more quickly you will find the best running gait for yourself.

To a certain extent this is true as you may develop the most efficient technique in relation to energy expenditure. But this does not mean that it is the most effective technique for production of speed and/or distance. Technique should always be adjusted and fine-tuned especially as the runner improves in his physical abilities. For example as a runner becomes stronger it will change and modify his technique which may or may not be the most effective. Adjusting technique in relation to the increased strength then becomes necessary.

Running, just as every other athletic skill, must be learned if you want to be an effective and efficient performer. There is no questioning the fact that we are born with some ability to run.  But the technique is in rudimentary form. What you do as a youngster then determines what your final technique will look like.

If you wish to excel in running and become as proficient as possible, then you must work on improving running technique. To also further enhance your physical running abilities, you must develop the physical qualities that are needed. This includes not only special muscular strength and endurance to enable you to go the distance, but also an efficient cardiovascular and respiratory system to supply the energy needed for the run.

For maximum running efficiency and effectiveness, you must learn and improve some of the key elements of technique and incorporate them into your running. They will not happen automatically. For example, most runners are heel hitters, but if you land on your heel you are interfering with your running efficiency and effectiveness and more importantly, this is not a natural movement. You learned it. If you do not believe this, simply take off your shoes and run barefoot landing on your heel. If you run on asphalt or concrete, I guarantee that you will be unable to run because of the pain experienced on every landing.

Making changes in technique is not always very easy, but the most important factor to be considered, is that changes are possible. You can change technique (and your physical qualities) to become a more proficient runner. To make the changes as easily as possible, you should do specialized strength exercises that duplicate the same neuromuscular pathway that is involved in the specific joint action. In this way you can strengthen specific running muscles and at the same time develop a muscular feel for the action. Once you develop this muscular feel and the physical ability to execute an effective joint action, then you can incorporate it into the total running stride.

The key to successfully making changes in technique is to first have a very good understanding of what is involved in running technique so that you can determine exactly which joint action is lacking and is in need of correction or enhancement. In this way any change that is made will show up as a positive influence on the runner’s running. The adage, “don’t fix it if it ain’t broke” is a myth and holds back progress. If you want to be a better runner, improvement in technique is first and foremost. As technique is perfected you must also develop the physical qualities related to the technique for even greater effectiveness.

More information on running technique and making changes in running technique seeing the second edition of Explosive Running.

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