It is a well-established fact that athletes must possess coordination in order to execute the skills of their sport. This means that they must be able to contract the correct muscles at the right time, with the correct intensity and in the correct sequence. This is an ability that is trainable.
Many exercise programs can improve coordination but only if they fulfill certain criteria. Most notable is that each exercise must be done with the correct or most effective technique (form). In this way the body learns the most effective movement patterns that can then be used in execution of a multitude of different skills.
If the exercises are not executed in the most effective or correct manner, the athlete will learn incorrect or ineffective movement patterns. As a result they will not enhance effective execution of the game skills.
One of the best training programs to learn effective execution of the exercises in order to develop the most effective coordination is the 1 x 20 RM strength training program. Results from using this program are showing that the athletes are displaying more effective movement patterns and game skills. This takes place after being on the program for only a few months.
When first starting the 1 x 20 RM program the athletes do over 20 different exercises to strengthen all the major muscles and joints in the body using effective movement patterns. Each exercise is done with strict form which in turn enhances development of effective movement patterns. One source that is widely used to determine what is the most effective movement pattern, is the Biomechanics and Kinesiology of Exercise book..
When on 1 x 20 RM strength training program the athletes are not competing or playing the sport. But they get better in their skills and overall movements without playing the sport. This happens because of the development of more effective movement patterns from the multitude of exercises that are done.
The athletes are able to improve coordination by using correct (effective) form. This is possible because the weights that the athletes use are not very heavy and they do only one set of each exercise. This enables them to move the weights as needed in a correct and effective movement pattern.
High-intensity or heavy-weight type strength training programs do not allow this to happen because of the fewer number of exercises and the higher intensity. Because of the heavy weights the athlete must concentrate on overcoming the weight rather than how the exercise is being executed.
Athletes and coaches are discovering many other benefits from being on the 1 x 20 RM strength training program. This includes fewer if any injuries and the athletes gain more strength and muscular endurance in comparison to the high-intensity programs.
For more information see The Revolutionary 1 x 20 RM Strength Training Progra