The best training program for beginners

There is a great deal of information on the best training programs for beginners, especially in the fitness field. Strongly recommended is that they should start off slowly with 2 to 3 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions. These are the same recommendations  often given to  high school and collegiate athletes. When started with a few exercises it is recommended that they gradually increase the intensity of the training programs.

in essence, they start with the most that each individual can do  rather than adhering to the recommendation to start with light weights and gradually increase the intensity. Both fitness and high school strength training programs have evolved into high-intensity strength training routines. They start with the maximum the athletes can do and then train through the pain in following workouts.

Typical routines consist of 3×10 RM or 3×8-12 RM (repetitions maximum) or 5-12 X3-4. But doing a 3×6-10 RM or other high-intensity routines do not allow for fully working all the major muscles. Nor do they allow for effective learning of the exercises. Understand that learning a new exercise or sports skill often requires hundreds of repetitions..

It has been found that the best training program for effective learning, while at the same time developing strength, muscular endurance and power, is the 1 x 20 RM strength training program. This program is also very effective for technique (skill) learning and improving skill which cannot be done with a high-intensity program. In addition, the high-intensity program minimizes the role of balance and neuromuscular development. Instead it places great stress on the body especially the young and not fully mature body.

Most effective is to have beginners start off only with a few repetitions and then as the movements become mastered, gradually increase the number of repetitions and exercises to be done. The exercises require correct repetition of exercise technique. In addition, the number of repetitions are adjusted so that the athlete undergoes sufficient exertion in the last few reps.

The 1 x 20 RM routine allows for many more exercises to be done in comparison to a typical high intensity program. This  is the key to fully developing the young athlete’s body and a strong fiscal foundation for everyone. Because most of the exercises are single joint, it produces the most effective development of the muscles, joints and support structures. This in turn helps ensure against the incidence of injury.

For more information on the 1 x 20 RM program see The Revolutionary 1 x 20 RM Strength Training Program. See Biomechanics and Kinesiology of Exercise for more information on the different exercises and their execution.



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