Build your exercise arsenal

How many strength exercises do you present employ? Hopefully it is in the 40 to 60 exercise range when used over a year. If it is below this number then you may be severely lacking in fully developing the athlete. This relates not only to base or foundation training, but also to training that directly improves his performance.

For example, because of the effectiveness and increasing popularity of specialized strength exercises, it is important that you include as many of these exercises as possible after the first 1-2 cycles of training. When programs such as the 1 x 20 strength training program are used, specialized strength exercises for learning new skills or technique can also be included.

Keep in mind that specialized strength exercises duplicate the neuromuscular pattern and the range of motion over which strength is gained. Because of this, specialized strength exercises have a direct effect on performance. General strength exercises, as are seen in almost all popular training programs, do not have a direct effect on performance.

General strength exercises are good for developing the base or as a prerequisite to doing specialized strength training. Because of this you should begin accumulating specialized strength exercises for use in your training. Doing this will make you a more effective coach or trainer and you will be able to make more successful athletes.

There are many different specialized strength exercises and almost all of them are specific to one sport or even more specifically, to one key action in execution of a sports skill. For example, the knee drive is used to develop strength of the hip flexor muscles as they are used in the running stride. In other words, the knee drive duplicates the action (neuromuscular pathway) seen in running and especially in sprinting. In addition, it has applications for improving kicking actions, acceleration and other actions that require forward leg movements.

Rather than trying to list all of the specialized strength exercises keep in mind that for every key joint action in every sport skill there is an exercise specific to that movement and development of the muscles as they are used in execution of the skill. In addition, you will be able to develop strength in exactly the same range of motion and type of strength used in execution of the sports skill.

For more information see Explosive Running, Explosive Golf, Explosive Basketball Training and Women’s Soccer (which is applicable to men as well).




1 thought on “Build your exercise arsenal”

  1. Dr., your theorys and approaches are very profound. I am currently reading your 1×20 book. It is really logical and is DEPARTURE from most of the current PHILOSOPHY of doing just a few lifts that hit multiple joints, like deads or squats.

    I have puchased a lot of your publications but dont have them all.
    I train high school level baseball, volleyball and golf athletes.
    I have a GHM machine, a multi hip machine, kettlebells, clubbells.

    I really need to purchase your updated kinesiology Book.
    I would be thrilled to visit with you at some point and take on all advisement your willing to provide.

    Thanks for all your great work
    Rocky Steele

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