
Baseball statistics

If you read about players from many different baseball teams you usually see that they include what can be considered  baseball statistics, to describe the player. In many ways these baseball statistics give a good description of the player’s playing performance. For example, in a recent article about home run hitters, there was some interesting

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Aerobic base training

If you’re a serious endurance athlete (long-distance runner, cyclist, rower, skier, ice skater, etc.) you have come across information related to aerobic base training. In most of these sports the coaches want you to develop the aerobic base at the beginning of the off-season before starting on more intense training before and during the competitive

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Joint muscle development

It is important to develop greater strength in specific muscles for improved performance in your sport. However, by targeting specific muscles you often ignore other muscles that seem to be less important or that are not directly involved in execution of a particular skill. We oftenlimit ourselves to compound or multi-joint exercises. Such exercises are

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