
Are more single joint exercises needed?

The trend in most strength training programs is to use mainly multi-joint, also known as compound, exercises. The reasons for this are many, but the most outstanding is that multi-joint exercises are supposed develop a multitude of different muscles in a coordinated manner. As a result it is believed that you get many muscles strengthened […]

Are more single joint exercises needed? Read More »


 An often heard recommendation is to never arch (hyperextend) the lower back.  However, this cannot be substantiated. In the neutral spine position, the normal curvature of the lumbar spine is slightly “arched”. In fact, there are four natural curves to the spine with the biggest functional curve in the lumbar area. The spine, and especially


Are athletes getting faster?

Commonly heard from sports commentators is that athletes are getting bigger, stronger and faster.  Even practicing coaches are prone to say this especially those involved in football and sports that require bigger sizes and great strength. This includes up and coming baseball pitchers who most coaches won’t even look at unless they are 6’5″ tall

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Do you need static or dynamic strength for the core?

Various exercises are used to develop core strength. However, most of the exercises typically recommended do not involve strengthening the core muscles through the full range of motion. Or they rely on strength exercises in which the core must remain stable, i.e., movements in which there is no movement of the spine. There is no

Do you need static or dynamic strength for the core? Read More »