
How do you strengthen the glutes?

There appears to be an increasing number of articles that deal with strengthening the glutes. In each of them there is little to no distinction made between the three “gluteus” muscles: gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus.  It is assumed that all glute exercises involve these three muscles and develop them equally. For example, […]

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Running speed exercises can be used by other athletes

If you closely examine the technique involved in execution of the lower body movements made by athletes in a variety of sports, you can see that they are very similar to the movements executed in running and running cutting actions.  With, and even without, slight modifications in specialized strength and explosive running exercises, it is

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The Training Effect

Does your workout make you physically better?  Certainly!  After all, isn’t this why you work out?  You want stronger muscles, a better working heart and more effectively working circulatory and respiratory systems.  These are the goals of all individuals involved in fitness as well as athletes. However, contrary to popular opinion, every workout does not

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Why the increase in Achilles tendon injuries?

Not only does there seem to be an increase in total number of injuries to athletes but it seems that there are many more debilitating injuries that prevent the athlete from playing for months or even years. One such injury is the Achilles tendon tear that is hitting many athletes who must run and cut

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