Core strengthening exercises on the Glute-Ham

Since launching the latest version of the Glute Ham Back Machine I have had many individuals asking about the auxiliary exercises possible on this machine. This includes separate development of the upper and lower abdominal muscles, the obliques and lower back erector spinae muscles for spinal extension and rotation to the rear. All of these […]

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Are high-level athletes good teachers?

A tidbit in the sports news caught my attention. It brought out how the NFL’s new highest paid punter is already getting requests from parents to instruct their young (teenage) aspiring punters. Their requests are based on the belief that if you are a high-level athlete you automatically know everything about the sport and that

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Should sports injuries continue to increase?

Do you keep hoping your best players will not be injured? Do you wish that your team will go through the season with no injuries? Do you keep hoping that any injury sustained by a player will not affect how well the team does? I’m sure that most every coach will have had these desires

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Lateral raises; how high should you go?

When doing the lateral or front arm raise exercise it is generally believed that the arms should be raised no higher than level to the shoulders. There are two reasons usually given for this: 1) raising the arms above the shoulders causes shoulder impingement; and 2) raising the arms above the horizontal no longer involves

Lateral raises; how high should you go? Read More »

Should you train ending (finishing) positions?

Training to hold the end position after executing a skill is not a topic I would usually be writing about. The reason for this is that training the ending position does little if anything to improve performance on the field. Improved performance on the field should be the ultimate objective of all training programs because

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