Is speed the key to sports success?

Most athletes train for additional strength in order to improve their performance. In addition, they believe that increased levels of strength will improve their speed and other physical abilities such as explosive power and neuromuscular coordination.  There’s no questioning the fact that strength can improve these factors but it is not a one-to-one situation. An […]

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Does energy system training make a better athlete?

A major trend in the training of athletes in the last few years is energy system training. Another way of saying this is that by improving the ability of the athlete to get more energy from the aerobic, aerobic-anaerobic and anaerobic systems, he or she will then become a better athlete. This means that the

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Breathing in sports

 How you breathe in running or in exercising plays an important role in relation to how effective your run or exercise will be. Almost always, if you breathe naturally, i.e., let your body dictate your breathing pattern with no conscious thought given to breathing, your breathing will be effective.  However, all too often, you hear

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