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Who cares what plyometrics really means?

The term plyometrics has been bastardized from it’s original meaning when it was created by Dr. Yuri Verkoshansky and implemented by Dr. Yessis– who introduced the concept to the United States in the 1950s.

What you’re going to learn about here is true Explosive Plyometrics.** More importantly, you’ll learn how to do explosive plyometrics correctly– to make yourself explosive. You’ll jump higher. Run significantly faster. Cut quicker. Much quicker. And that’s all that matters.

From “Why is Plyometrics So Misunderstood and Misapplied” by Dr. Yessis:

The answer…is very simple; there are no unified definitions or descriptions of what constitutes true plyometrics and there are few legitimate guidelines for application. But there is quite a bit of BS tossed around to make plyometrics appear impressive and meaningful. Anyone who writes about plyometrics or talks about it or presents a visual demonstration on YouTube or some other video outlet is seen as an expert. The more impressive the BS or the videos, the more swayed the viewer becomes. Continue reading…

**Dr. Yessis has given up on trying to get people to use the term plyometrics correctly. So, instead, he came up with a new term…Explosive Plyometrics, that is true to the original concept. And the true explosive plyometrics training and exercises to make you absolutely explosive.

Here’s How You’ll Get EXPLOSIVE

Get your copy of the true Explosive Plyometricsfrom the source, Dr. Michael Yessis

It’s packed with exercises, how-tos, why-tos, and insights from the plyometrics master.

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