Good Morning-Volleyball Exercise

Good morning is usually thought of as a greeting, but it is also the name of an excellent exercise for volleyball players. It is perhaps the best stretch for gaining flexibility in the hip joint extensor muscles and tendons that are needed for forward bending and reaching. It is also a good exercise for strengthening the hip extension muscles (gluteus maximus and hamstrings) located in the back of the thigh and their tendons that cross the hip joint to insert on the pelvis. Many players typically do the straight leg toe touch stretch for the hamstrings. However, this is a potentially dangerous exercise, especially if you do it frequently. When you bend over to touch the toes with straight legs, you mainly stretch the lower back ligaments that hold the spine together.

Once these ligaments are overstretched, they do not return to their original length and as a result cannot hold the spinal vertebrae in place as well. Because of this, you create a looser spin more prone to injury. However, in the good morning exercise, the lower spine is not involved and you isolate the stretch to the hamstrings and gluteus maximus.

To execute, assume a standing position with the feet hip-width apartand the arms alongside your body hanging freely. Contract the lower back muscles to hold the normal curvature of the lumbar spine or if you have a flat back, arch your back and contract the muscles to hold this position.

Then, inhale and bend over from the hips as far as possible. Push the hips to the rear to counterbalance your weight coming forward and be sure to maintain the curvature in the lumbar spine. If you maintain the arched position of the lumbar spine, you should feel a stretch in the hamstrings very quickly, usually at approximately a 45-60 degree angle to the vertical. Hold the bottom position for 1-2 seconds and then rise up to the initial position, relax and then repeat.

To do the good morning as a stretch, no weights are needed. To increase the strength of the hamstrings and gluteus maximus, hold weights in the hands. The exact amount depends on whether you can still hold the back arch.

To execute for strength, hold a dumbbell in each hand alongside the body and as you bend over, allow the arms to come forward so they are directly under the shoulders. As you stand up, return the arms alongside the body. As you gain strength, hold the dumbbells up alongside the shoulders and then do the exercise.

Holding the dumbbells alongside the shoulders creates more resistance and you’ll have to concentrate on maintaining the arch in the lumbar spine. Do not bend the spine in the lumbar area. This is potentially dangerous. Maintain the arch at all times so that you isolate the action to the hip joints to get a strong stretch and contraction of the hamstrings.

When you do the exercise for strength, you stretch the muscles on the down phase and then strengthen them on the up phase. Thus, the good morning is an excellent exercise to include in your warm-up. It not only stretches the hamstrings, but also prepares them for activity. Doing a static stretch does not do this. As a result, doing the good morning exercise can help prevent injuries to the hamstrings and allow you to play better.

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