A unique stretch

We continue to receive many compliments regarding the Back Stretch Strap and the unique exercise for stretching the lower back.   Many of the comments relate to the fact that the users no longer experience back problems; their pain is gone!

This is understandable because this unique stretch relieves pressure on the spinal discs like no other stretch.  Most stretches for the lower back usually open up the exterior portion of the discs and at the same time compress the inner portion.  For example, the knee to chest stretch while lying on the back.

The stretch with the Back Stretch Strap releases compression forces equally on the spinal discs.  It allows the discs to hydrate more fully and to regain normal spine positioning.  At the same time this stretch provides a full stretch for the shoulders, arms and knees.

The back stretch with the Back Stretch Strap is easily done by attaching one end of the strap to a doorway or overhead beam or post.  Many people use it first thing in the morning, during the day and before retiring in evening.  It helps keep them loose and pain free.  And it costs much less than other devices, many of which are not as effective.

The Back Stretch Strap is also used to strengthen the lower back muscles, develop the ability to do pullups (chin-ups), for loosening up before a workout and for decompressing the spine after a heavy work out.

For more information on the Back Stretch Strap and it’s unique uses see Back Stretch Strap in the store or in the products section…http://www.doctoryessis.com/store/

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