
Specificity of Workouts

An interesting feature of the Russian, formerly Soviet, training system is the specificity of workouts for each sport. Not only is each sport distinguished by the skills and physical qualities involved, but even within the sport, each event is trained differently. For example, in running, sprinters have different workouts than middle distance runners who have […]

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What are Inflexible Leg Muscles?

It is not uncommon to read that inflexible (tight) leg muscles can put strain on your back and create other problems. Many doctors and physical therapists bring out that runners who come them with back pain usually have tight hamstrings. But what are tight hamstrings? This is never defined or explained — at least as

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Gravity and Speed

It is often stated that gravity plays a major role in the golf swing. The authors most often state this as a fact, not as a hypothesis. This is especially evident when discussing the downswing. These authors believe that the biggest creator of speed on the downswing is gravity, not force or power. However, close

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