
Can you bend forward from the hips?

Most strength coaches and especially golf instructors will correctly tell you to bend over forwardfrom the hips. This movement is needed in many exercises especially in the deadlift and good morning and in golf, when assuming your stance. It is usually taken for granted that you know how to do this.  However, in my work […]

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Are coaches improving training results?

Coaches and instructors, especially those in the private sector, have gotten to be very competitive. They need athletes to make money — and the more winning athletes they have, the more money they make and the more they are considered to be successful. However, I often wonder if having more athletes isn’t the main reason

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Is butt kick for jump height and running speed?

Plyometrics are widely used by athletes to improve jump height. To further enhance jump height many coaches are now recommending a butt kick plyo jump. In this exercise, as you leap up off the ground you bring the heels to the buttocks. Upon landing, you immediately go into another jump and repeat the butt kick.

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Core strengthening exercises on the Glute-Ham

Since launching the latest version of the Glute Ham Back Machine I have had many individuals asking about the auxiliary exercises possible on this machine. This includes separate development of the upper and lower abdominal muscles, the obliques and lower back erector spinae muscles for spinal extension and rotation to the rear. All of these

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Are high-level athletes good teachers?

A tidbit in the sports news caught my attention. It brought out how the NFL’s new highest paid punter is already getting requests from parents to instruct their young (teenage) aspiring punters. Their requests are based on the belief that if you are a high-level athlete you automatically know everything about the sport and that

Are high-level athletes good teachers? Read More »