The Impact Putter

As most golfers will attest having a good putt regardless if it is in 10 inches long or 10 feet long is as important as hitting a 300 yard drive. Thus to perfect your putting you must practice putting and put in many repetitions. You have all heard the saying “practice makes perfect”, but it should read “perfect practice makes perfect”.

One of the ways of doing this is to execute many perfect putts with the Impact Putter to develop a neuromuscular pathway that will be with you forever. Understand that when you putt the ball your brain sends out signals to correct muscles to contract at the right time, in the right sequence, and with the right intensity to move the club in a coordinated manner. When the putt is done over and over many times (into the 100’s and 1,000’s), then an automatic motor pathway is developed. At this time your putt is automatic. At this stage of development your mind only has to tell your body to swing, to putt and all the movements occur as learned without any thinking on your part. The only thinking involved is done prior to the putt to determine the pathway and the intensity with which you must hit the ball.

In order to develop this “conditioned reflex”, you need to repeat identical putts. You must duplicate the putt as much as possible in exactly the same manner every time. If you play 18 holes you rarely have the opportunity to execute the exact putt on each hole. Even if you practice putting on the practice green, after each hit or hits you must set up a new ball and reassume your stance before putting. Because of this every time you take a new stance it is a little different from what it was before, either because the ball is in a slightly different position or your feet are placed differently.

However, when you use the Impact Putter, you place the ball in exactly the same spot each time and you can maintain the same stance with an adequate number of balls close by. When you maintain the same position you can concentrate on different elements of the putt with an identical stance and positioning of the ball. Keep in mind that the less the number of variables that there are the more effective is the learning. This the key! By using the Impact Putter you eliminate all variables except those that you are trying to solidify in your putt. When you can maintain your concentration your nervous system energy remains high and helps to complete and strengthen the motor pathway being developed. Also you can get more putts done in less time. By doing this your nervous system memory is retained and reinforced at a faster rate.

The Impact Putter allows you to practice the putt with immediate feedback as to whether the putter blade was perpendicular to the ball and if the ball was sent on a straight pathway. This is done when the light turns green after the putt. If instead, you hit the ball slightly to the left or right, a red light will come on indicating that the club pathway was not perpendicular to the ball, or the blade of the putter was not perpendicular to the ball. With such feedback you are able to correct the way you move the club and gradually get to the point where you can make the same movement on every single repetition.

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