
The Training Effect

Does your workout make you physically better?  Certainly!  After all, isn’t this why you work out?  You want stronger muscles, a better working heart and more effectively working circulatory and respiratory systems.  These are the goals of all individuals involved in fitness as well as athletes. However, contrary to popular opinion, every workout does not […]

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Why the increase in Achilles tendon injuries?

Not only does there seem to be an increase in total number of injuries to athletes but it seems that there are many more debilitating injuries that prevent the athlete from playing for months or even years. One such injury is the Achilles tendon tear that is hitting many athletes who must run and cut

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Are high-level athletes good teachers?

A tidbit in the sports news today caught my attention. It brought out how the NFL’s new highest paid punter is already getting requests from parents to instruct their young (teenage) aspiring punters. Their requests are based on the belief that if you are a high-level athlete you automatically know everything about the sport and

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The need for respiratory muscle strengthening

When you exercise or play a sport, your breathing adjusts automatically to the effort that you are expending. This is generally taken for granted by most individuals since this occurs naturally. Because of this most people including athletes, do not feel the need for any supplementary training to improve their breathing. Fortunately, this kind of

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