
Ankle Hops for Speed and Quickness

Ankle hops are always a great exercise for athletes. How much they contribute to speed and quickness however, depends upon how the exercise is executed.  When executed well they are great for all athletes involved in sports that require running and/or jumping. They can be used in baseball, basketball, football, track, tennis, hockey, volleyball and […]

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Hamstring exercises for runners

To prevent hamstring injuries, the leg (knee) curl is usually recommended. This is a good exercise for development of the hamstring muscles and for strengthening the tendons that cross the knee joint.  It helps provide a more stable knee for runners and athletes in other sports. Hamstring exercises for runners should more closely duplicate the

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Are you creative in your sports training?

If you are an athlete who has played the same sport in high school and college and possibly even in the pros, the odds are that you experienced the same basic type of in-season training.  For example, most high school teams today do weight training, basically the same as collegiate and professional teams.  Some of

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Which physical qualities should you develop?

Training programs are usually based on developing the physical qualities needed in the sport. This typically includes general strength, agility, speed, quickness and explosive power. These are all good and can definitely improve the athlete’s fitness but not necessarily his game performance. To make the training more specific to the sport it is first necessary

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